GPM presents the WIPOTEC brand in the pharmaceutical sector, serialization and aggregation .
We offer a wide range of serialization and aggregation products:

TQS-SP is a user friendly solution for the serialization of individual cartons. The folding boxes are conveyed by a specially designed, double guided top band system that ensures stable positioning after leaving the cartoner.

TQS-CP stands for the successful semi-automatic aggregation of manually repacked folding boxes. It lets you conveniently assign units from a lower level (folding box or bundle) to a higher packaging level (shipment carton).

TQS-HC-A, equipped with Tamper-Evident labelling systems on both sides, allows you to serialize the folding boxes, to verify the print, to seal the insertion flaps with Tamper-Evident labels, to apply vignettes from above, to discharge products according to diverse sort rules, and to determine the weight – all during throughput operations.
For more informations, please contact us.